b'Architectural Series Tackboard SelectorWrapped Joint H-Bar (vinyl)Architectural Tackboard Selection18 " Natural Cork on 38 " Fiberboard Koroseal Vinyl on 12 " Class AEconomicalnatural corkpush pinsFire-rated Mineral Fiberboardpenetrate fullysizes up to 4\' x 12\'. Completely non-combustible meets moststringent fire codes for school hallways, collegedorms, hospitals, nursing homes, washable,durable surface, 18 oz. per linear yard, sizes upto 4\' x 12\', larger sizes made with vinyl wrappedH-bar joint strips shown above, available in many14 " Natural Cork on 14 " Hardboard colors. Tahoe vinyl pictured here, seeDurableruggedsizes up to 4\' x 16\' page 2 for color chart.and also up to 5 x 12No seams.Guilford Fabric on 12 " Class AFire-rated Mineral FiberboardMany colors to choose from with the rich lookof fabric. Completely non-combustiblemeetsKoroseal Vinyl on 18 " Natural Cork most stringent fire codes for school hallways,on 38 " Fiberboard college dorms, hospitals, nursing homes. SizesMany colors, washable, push pins up to 4\' x 12\'larger sizes made with fabricpenetrate fully, sizes up to 4\' x 12\', wrapped H-bar joint strips. Blue neutral fabriclarger sizes made with vinyl wrapped pictured here, see page 34 for color chart.H-bar joint strips. Indigo vinyl pictured Koroseal Vinyl on 14 " Corkhere, see page 2 for vinyl color chart. on 14 " HardboardGuilford Fabric on Colorful, non-fading, non-staining, durable,18 " Natural Cork on 38 " Fiberboard 18 oz. per linear foot, up to 4\' x 16\'. Pacific vinylpictured here, see page 2 for color chart.Many colors, push pins penetrate fully,sizes up to 4\' x 12\', larger sizes madewith fabric wrapped H-bar joint strips.Cherry neutral fabric pictured here, seepage 34 for Guilford Fabric color chart. Guilford Fabric on 14 " CorkKoroseal Vinyl on 12 " Fiberboard on 14 " HardboardEconomical, 18 oz. per linear yard, many Colorful, non-fading, sizes up to 4 x 16\' andcolors, washable, push pins penetrate 5\' x 12\'. Larger sizes made with fabric wrappedfully, sizes up to 4\' x 12\', larger sizes H-bar joints. Wedgewood fabric pictured here,made with vinyl wrapped H-bar joint strips. see page 34 for color chart.Breakwater vinyl pictured here, see page 2for color chart.Guilford Fabric on 12 " Fiberboard FORBOCork on 14 " HardboardMostdurable12 colors, washable, stainRich look of fabric, many colors, push pins resistant, fade resistant, sizes up to 4\' x 16\',penetrate fully, sizes up to 4\' x 12\', larger certain colors available up to 5\' x 12\', Class Bsizes made with fabric wrapped H-bar fire-rated. 2203 FORBOpictured here, seejoint strips. Medium grey fabric pictured page 2 for color chart.here, see page 2 for color chart.Walker Products Inc.800 828.2096www.walkerboard.com 269/22'